Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year, A New You

"A New Year, A New You" is the common theme on morning talk shows in January. We see and hear and spend time thinking about new resolutions. And we think about how this new year might be different than the last one.

With the thought of making the transition from old to new, our text this week is Joshua 1:1-9 and Mark 1:1-13.

In Joshua the transition moves from Moses to Joshua. God boldly tells Joshua,
"as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you."

This transition of leadership happens much like it might in a monarchy handing power from one leader to another.

A similar occurance happens in Mark. John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, so that people might recognize who he is and what he came to do. When Jesus is baptized, again, we hear God's reassurance:
"this is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased."

We are people who are also living in a state of transition. Soon we will have a new president. You are still getting used to a new pastor and a new District Superintendent. We are already at the beginning of a new year. New jobs, new hopes, new dreams surround us.

So, we must ask ourselves, what are we doing to prepare ourselves for the transitions in your life?

How is the presence of God seen more clearly during transitions?

What can we do to rely more fully upon God's strength in the midst of changing times?


The Gibbon said...

When the Jericho walls that we build around us come tumbling down, we stand Adam and Eve naked before God. Even though we are exhiles, God still gives us clothing to hide our self-inflicted shame.

Unknown said...

While many so-called experts say a person should never have more than three major life changes at a given time in their life, it seems that God offers us transforming love. He continually wants to transform our lives into more and more pleasing forms. As John Wesley tells us 'we are moving toward perfection'. Most days I feel pretty far from perfection. One simple New Year's resolution is daunting to me!