Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Resolution...

The New Year is almost here and that means it is time once again to make those annual New Year’s Resolutions. We promise to diet or exercise or do all of those good things that we know we should be doing. We want so very much to try harder and to be better, but so often by February or March the resolutions have been forgotten, and we are back where we started.

This year I’d like to suggest a different kind of resolution. Worship God. That’s it. It seems pretty simple, and in many ways it is. Worship is a part of the Christian way of living. It is how we give thanks for all the ways we see God working. Worship should flow out of us naturally each and every day.

And yet, we often find worship difficult, because we get so busy that we forget about God. Not only that, but many of us aren’t really sure what worship is. Is it just about singing? Is it only saying thank-you? What is worship really? And, how can we worship more fully?

This January and February, I encourage you to join us as we answer these questions together. Each week we will explore how to truly find the “Heart of Worship.” I believe that as we seek to worship God more fully, we will find many gifts waiting for us. Christmas Day may have come and gone, but God’s gifts for us are still coming. As we worship, we discover that a deeper relationship with God is worth more than anything we could ever buy.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been worshiping God from the cradle, or if you are brand new to church, God longs for us to worship. So, come and explore with us what it means to worship.

1 comment:

Tom Bailey said...

For me it is like asending a spiral staircase going up and up and up never ending when it comes to my spiritual path.

Thanks for sharing these words of wisdom.

Tom Bailey