Friday, December 5, 2008

Catching Up...

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated things. But, here's what's been happening here in the meantime:

The sermons this Advent are all titled "All I Want for Christmas Is ..." The blanks are filled in by the words "hope," "guidance," "joy," and "peace." Coinicidentally, those words also describe the meaning of the Advent candles for that week.

The idea behind this series is to move beyond the commercialism that so often plauges December, and focus on the things we really want for Christmas.

Even better, is the news that these deep and true qualities of hope, joy, peace, guidance, are all gifts that God gives to us. We can rejoice that we see these gifts in Jesus.

1 comment:

The Gibbon said...

Your sermon on hope was once again appropriately challenging, and Spirit-led. Something I needed to hear at that moment.

I've been accused of not having enough "faith" in our church; I failed to quip quickly enough that our faith should be in the Lord, not in a building or a group of fallible humans; worship the Creator, not the creation. (I'm always more mentally nimble in retrospect.)

Yet I find I need to internalize that lesson myself in regards to hope. My hope should be in the Way of God, not in the ways of man. I should surrender my hopelessness for our circumstances, so I can grasp the grace of hope. I should live in a spirit of abundant hope, rather than in a spirit of scarcity.