Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Being Thankful...

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Over the next three weeks we will consider the topic of thankfulness. This verse in 1 Thessalonians is a challening one. In EVERYTHING give thanks.

The question is do you?

Do you give thanks for a bad hair day? For being stuck in traffic? For an empty bank account? For an argument with a friend or family member? For moments of embarrassment? For moments of humiliation?

I know that I don't. And yet, I know lots of stories, some that have happened to me, and some that I have heard of ways that awful situations turned into really great situations.

In the hard times, we cling to God more and more and our faith grows. And in the good times, we need to rejoice in answered prayers. God is certainly working in our lives, and being thankful helps us to see God at work in our world.

1 comment:

The Gibbon said...

I'm not so good at this! In the good times, I'm worried that the bad times are right around the corner waiting to pounce. I can't deep down believe that I "deserve" good times. I don't always thank God for the good; I often don't see it or recognize it because I'm too busy looking around that corner...

But I keep plugging away, hoping that I will learn to hope. I am thankful that I have a God who:

Doesn't give me what I deserve,
but gives what I need to serve.

Loves the annoyingly persistent,
and even more the grace resistent.

For my sake is patiently waiting;
His cherished unfinished painting.

Uses my failures and my trials,
to overcome all my blind denials.

Needs my weakness out in the open,
seen by others who too are broken.