Monday, November 16, 2009

Being Thankful For Our King

This Sunday is officially, "Christ the King" Sunday. This Sunday is always the last Sunday of the Lectionary calendar. It happens the week before Advent begins. It is kind of interesting to think about Christ as our King right before we begin to focus on Christ as a newborn baby.

Anyway, the passages for this week are...

Revelation 1:4b-8
John 18:33-37

They are very interesting passages because they present two very different pictures of Christ as King. The first is a picture of Christ in glory coming on the clouds. And the second is right before his crucifixion, and describes how Pilate questioned Jesus on whether or not he was the King of the Jews.

Questions for discussion...
Which passage better matches your image of Christ the King?
Which image do you relate to better? Christ as "exaulted king" or Christ the "suffering king?" Do life circumstances make us cling to one image or the other?
Jesus answers Pilate, "my kingdom is not of this world." What does Jesus' kingdom look like? What role do we have within Jesus' kingdom?

1 comment:

Timothy Wayne Good said...

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the door, the way, the gate; but in Revelation 21:12-13 the New Jerusalem has 12 gates. The gates are named after the 12 tribes of Israel; in others words, all of God's people! We are called to each be Jesus - called to be many gates into the New Kingdom.

Revelation 21:14 goes on to refer to the 12 apostles as the 12 foundations of New Jerusalem. As Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 2:1-10, we are the living stones on which Zion is built.