Thursday, October 29, 2009

A new look... and a renewed motivation it would seem that I haven't posted anything since July!

It's true that life has been very busy. And yet, I cannot quite seem to remember what I've been doing with my time.

Lots of meetings, seminars, and other activities have caught my attention. I have abandoned this discipline of updating the blog. I thought, no one reads it anyway.

But, a few friends and family have noticed that the blog has gone without updates. And, I realized that even if no one reads it, it is a good way for me to begin thinking through the sermon.

All of this thinking leads me to a renewed desire to start blogging. I hope that others are reading and enjoying the posts. But, even more, I hope to start posting more regularly so that I can be more focused and motivated to write my sermons.

Sometimes, it's important to re-prioritize, and make room for the things that are important.

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