Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Recognizing and Avoiding the Hazards in Our Ministry Together

This week's text is 2 Corinthians 4:1-5:10

In this passage, Paul continues to make his case to the Corinthian church. He wants to convince them that he really is an authentic Christian who did proclaim the true gospel to them. But, in the defense that he gives to them, we learn a lot about how to live out our calling.

We know from the Great Commission (Mt. 28:16-20) that we are called to make disciples. Yet, we also know that this calling is difficult. Paul tells the Corinthian church about the challenges that he faced, and he tells them how he dealt with these issues. Here is some of his advice to them...

1. Live with honesty and integrity
2. Be aware that many are blinded by the god of this world
3. Avoid selfishness -- Proclaim Christ's glory, not your own
4. Recognize that our treasure is in clay jars
5. Despite affliction -- God will carry us through
6. Give yourself up to death for Jesus' sake -- in other words, die to your personal ambitions, so that Christ may shine through more clearly
7. Focus on the needs of the people to whom you are preaching -- Paul says "everything is for your sake"
8. Remember to have an Eternal Perspective

So, my questions for you...

Look at the list, what is your favorite? What gives you the most trouble? What questions do you have about how to carry these tasks out?


MK said...

This message is easy to church leaders to hear, but so difficult to follow! Ministry is so hard and so personal. When our congregations and groups grow, it is very tempting to take credit and feel important, rather than acknowledge that people come through our doors looking for connection to God through worship and relationships, not so we can be superstars.

Love your blog, if you would ever like to share your story about what you've learned from blogging this year and give guidance to other pastors and leaders who might be interested in trying it, I would love to publish it.


The Gibbon said...

My favorite advise from 2Cor.4-5:10is #7. I agree with Matt; as a new "preacher" it is very tempting to try to dazzle with word play, impress with learning, or sway with logic. It took me a while to learn to at least try to step aside, get out of the way and let the Spirit through. I hope...

I probably have the most trouble with #2, God blinding people I'm trying to light up to the Word! It's too much like God hardening Pharoah's heart... I always had trouble with that considering the final plague that was coming.

How do we touch someone in the middle of the pit of affliction (#5)and make this advise real to them if we've not been helped out of such a pit ourselves in the past? How do you witness to what you've seen but not experienced?

The Gibbon said...

Great sermon. I liked the hand-out; could you post it here?

Becky said...

Sorry, I tried, but I can't quite figure out how to post the handout onto this site. I could e-mail it to you if you'd like.

The Gibbon said...

Facebook maybe?